Stakeholder engagement is an essential tool for achieving relevant outcomes in water management. It is preceded by a thorough identification of actors, enablers, knowledge brokers, affected parties, etc. and a clear understanding of their role, competences and needs in relation to the topic under discussion.
Preliminary stakeholders analysis
The stakeholder analysis explores the stakeholder landscape including the influence and interest of main stakeholders in MAR at four project demo sites in Europe and Northern Africa on a general scale (GS), regional scale (RS) and local scale (LS). By means of desk research, expert judgement and validation in the field, specific stakeholder maps and initial assumptions of the needs, competences and spheres of influence related to MAR have been developed and identified for each project demo site (see deliverable D1.1a for preliminary results of the stakeholders analysis). Throughout the course of the project, these preliminary findings will be further validated and refined through interviews and workshops with project partners and identified key stakeholders from the demo sites.
Chiba watershed, Tunisia
In Tunisia, project activities will focus on the Chiba watershed belonging to the Cap Bon peninsula, which is one of the most productive agricultural areas in Tunisia. The lessons learned from an abandoned MAR site located in this watershed will be used to improve the planning of a new MAR site in this region safeguarding the scarce water resources of the Chiba dam.
Recent stakeholders engagements in Tunisia
Republic of Cyprus
The project activities in Cyprus will consider the entire island of Cyprus with a focus on two watersheds, which are considered by the local water authority to be the most suitable for MAR: Akrotiri basin and Yermasoyeia basin.
Recent stakeholders engagements in Cyprus
Alentejo and Algarve regions, Portugal
In Portugal, project activities will focus on the Alentejo and Algarve administrative regions consisting of three hydrographic sub-regions: Sado-Mira, Guadiana, and Ribeiras do Algarve. Two specific MAR sites (one existing and one potential) could be selected for further investigations and validation of feasibility maps to be developed within the AGREEMAR project.
Recent stakeholders engagements in Portugal
Jucar Water District, Spain
In Spain, project activities will focus on the Júcar Water District. Two specific MAR sites using two different MAR techniques (infiltration pond and surface dam) could be selected for further investigations and validation of feasibility maps to be developed within the AGREEMAR project: the Belcaire pond and the Algar reservoir.
Recent stakeholders engagements in Spain
Preliminary conclusions
The demo sites are similar in their institutional set-up and similar stakeholder groups appeared to be significant for engagement in a MAR project. Feasibility actor groups are evenly distributed, with actors for water demand being found more at the local and regional level and for intrinsic site suitability at the general and regional level. Furthermore, as could be expected, water demand interests are more likely to be represented by civil society and intrinsic site suitability and water availability are more likely to be represented at the policy and science level. Whether there is a power and interest imbalance here that has an influence on sustainable and equitable planning and management of MAR and whether there is a need for balancing via an appropriate governance framework will be further explored in the course of the detailed stakeholder analysis through direct stakeholder dialogues.